Sunday, October 31, 2010


I'm a total sucker for Halloween.
I love this tradition but this year - I'm just so disappointed. It's the 31st and the arseholes who run the school have decided to bring us back in tomorrow, which means that tonight is just a waste and purely for last minute homework. I still need to get around to that actually... Right after the xFactor, that is. (Aiden for the win!)
  The kids don't even knock on our door anymore. We had one knock tonight and I told Snow White she looked scary and believe me - the look she gave me was not in the name of Halloween. I only said she looked scary because it is Halloween after all and the rest of her friends looked like bloody freaks. Although, all 6 year olds usually do. Well, even if I wanted to go out Trick or Treating tonight (which I don't because I'm (almost) 17 and far too old for this carry on...*sniff*) I would definitely not get an invite from her! Stuck up bitch. I bet she doesn't even live on this street... Scab.

I think it's because last night was such a let down. I'm becoming such a homebird; it's scary. And it was my ma who pointed that one out and she never leaves the house! See, I love the dressing up, but even my outfit had feck all effort put into it and I was bored as fuck. The thrill of getting into the place without being asked for ID wore off quickly when I realised what a kip the place really was. By 2 o'clock I was ready to go home. We got a Mickey D's and even that was more exciting than the night itself. I went back to Shauna's and we watched a re-run of the xFactor, which thinking back on it now, was the highlight of the whole night. But what's worse was that even getting in and half 2, it was only half 1... The bleedin' clocks went back! I didn't even care, I was just happy to be back home.

I wonder what ever happened to my wild spirit of wanting to go out and loving the excitement of dressing up and all that jazz...? I think it lost once Summer ended. Winter doesn't suit me and even though it's not officially Winter for another 3 and a half hours, it feels as though it's been Winter since the beginning of September. It must be 6th year playing with my head. It's turned me into a non-socialable, absolute moany-hole. I need to get a life.. or maybe a hobby.
 However! I did manage to land myself a Christmas job. I'm glad it's only for Christmas though. The boss seems like a right cow and I have no fashion sense to work in a clothing store. Still, money is money and if I'm planning on making my getaway somewhat eventful next Summer, I'm going to need as much as I can get! Ahhh Italy.. How I love thee and that blessed race of men you have raised...

I wonder if I'll ever actually go back to Sinnai again... I hope so. I must do a runner to Italy next year anyways, even if it's somewhere else. I wouldn't mind going back to Disney Land either, but that's because I'm a child and a half and should definitely be out Trick or Treating tonight! Fuck my age. I'll just rob the kids' sweets and keep them for myself and pray to God that I'll build up the motivation to join a gym this Christmas and shed a few pounds.
 Speaking of Christmas.. It's 8 weeks away! That's such a long, long time. That's 8 full weeks of school and then off to work. WORK! I've never had a job in my whole life. I'd rather something I'd prefer to do. Like, a job in a bookstore.. or even in Eddie Rockets! Or, you know, being paid for free - that's always a plus!

I broke my lovely a camera during the Summer and have only left it in recently to be repaired. It's costing a good lot of money too but luckily I'm getting a wad of money in a couple of weeks that I've been saving over the past year. Ma said that she'd split the difference with me as an early birthday present, but I felt bad for her earlier when she was explaining how tight money is right now and caved. I told her I'd just pay for the whole thing, which I don't mind so much... It just means that at least I'll take good care of it now and also, that I'm down a bajillion euro. I was going to save that money, too. I had it all planned but now my plan is shot to hell.
 Maybe I should have dressed up as a common prostitute and earned my money the old fashioned way.

It's now 9o'clcok and the record still stands for one knock on the door. Where did my childhood go?!
Halloween used to be fun.

And if I could find a picture of the best year I would but I don't even think we took any in 2007. I'm not even bothering with 2010. The years are getting worse and worse.
  I'm off to rob the left over sweeties. Ciaoo x

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