Jaysus, FB has gone mad with the amount of Birthday wishes I got today. I've never had that many friends in my life, let alone cards! ...Joke... Sort of...
I didn't do anything for my birthday. There was no point, really. Little 17 doesn't compare to all the 18 fandangos going on over the past couple of months. I'd just seem like more of a loser than I already am... Anyways. At least we had the day off school, despite parent/teacher meetings. I've just been bored all day, though. Jenna & Orlaith came around last night for some grub & DVDs. Orlaith fell asleep during the second episode of TVD & woke up gutted later on when she finally came around to its brilliance. Jenna's glued - job done.
We're going to Dun Laoighre tomorrow with the school - non uniform, thank fuck - and I doubt many people will go anyways. At least it's with The Caff & Mr Nolan. They're pretty sound considering the whole 'teacher' aspect. Although both of them can be a right pain in the swiss every now and then.
I wonder what I'll wear... Also, I wonder how many fitties will be up there?! I hope they realise now that being 17 and all, it's alright for me to flirt with 19 year olds. Wahey! The whole leather jacket look is alright and all, but if I had a nice red top like this to go with it and a pair of dark jeans, that would be even whopper-er.
... and my English teacher thinks I'm doing great?
I'm trying to persuade my mam to bring me down town to get me a tattoo and a piercing. I told her that I'll get one done next year regardless of what she thinks. I'd love to get my belly-button pierced and a cute little piercing on my hip. She's totally set against it. But next year, I may as well not even be living at home. Fingers crossed I'll be in Maynooth living away from judgemental parents who disapprove of anything with the word "fun" in it... such as; alcohol, piercings, tattoos, gaff parties, boys and sex. Oh I so went there.
They're acc just such parents! I can't even imagine what they were like at my age... My mum would have been one of those girls who stayed at home and did their homework after they made dinner and cleaned the house. I wonder what happened to her that she doesn't do any of that anymore... My dad on the other hand, was definitely a drunken teenager. But he would have been a douche and all. It's such a wimp, too, despite how he goes on the whole time about 'kicking feens to the curb'.. His best friend was a girl - and she broke his arm.
We were planning on heading up to Maynooth on Saturday for the opening day, but I think there may have been a slight change of plans. It's not that I don't want to go up, I actually do. It's just very stressful and Orlaith may have mentioned a day at the gym & swimming - and for some reason, that sounds much more appealing to me. I know - what has the world come to? But I am actually looking forward to that now, and two opening days in a row is annoying. Dun Laoighre will do. Shauna joined the gym there a couple of weeks ago, 99 euro for 99 days. It's a great offer - as long as you go as many days as you can, which she has. She rang up a little while ago to tell me that's she's been losing weight and it's starting to show. I think that's what settled my mind for Saturday.
I'm not one of those girls who stress about their weight and spend all day crying over how much they hate their bodies. I'm actually pretty comfortable with mine, but you get your off days where you wish you had have done some excersize after eating all that munch. It's the whole school thing all over again - studying and excersizing? Bleugh. Although - to look like Jessica Alba..
But I have this theory that if you start excersizing, it's like, good for your mind too and gets you motivated more, and I know that I'll have to start picking up the pace sooner or later. Besides, this job is coming along soon (alhtough I still haven't been given my hours) and I'm going to have to step up if I want to juggle as much as I can in such a short time. It would also mean less time on FB, which is always a plus, and self satisfaction, which I quite like.
And also, the Talent Show is next month.. Oh shit. I just had a thought... What if the Talent Show is on the same night that I'll have to work? Oh fuckitty fuck-fuck! Oh well. Just have to make sacrifices, won't I? I just won't be getting paid from Next that night, will I? Gosh, I'm awful.
I may have picked my song for the show next month. It's called Houses by Great Northern. It's an odd enough song, but sure half the music I listen to is unheard of here anyways. I always manage to go into class with a song no one has ever heard. My teacher asked me if I was writing these songs myself but I can't put two words together to save my life let alone two chords. The guitar is also very basic, which is disappointing in itself, but sure, what can you do?
The stress of learning all the words off by heart in the space of three weeks is also an impossible job for my head. My brain just seems to love embarrassing me by getting my words mixed up, if getting them out of my mouth at all. I'm forever stumbling over my words. But highly recommend you give the song a listen.
Oh wait - that's right. I have no followers! hahahahahahahaha
happy birthday xxxx