Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's times likes these I question my morals...
Today in school - everything was going great! I understood the maths work, Irish was pretty funny, music was a doss and art is... well art.
But then Mr Art Teacher says, "And those who have not handed up their poster, please come to the top of the class now." Well I had to go, didn't I? That teacher loves me and I know fine well that I can't get away with this one, no matter how often I pray to baby Jesus (i.e: never)
So I skipped up to the top of the class with the rest of dossers and he picks me first. I tell him, "It's at home sir, with my prep sheet."
 Bear in mind that I have had a month and a half to do this. While everyone else was drawing away on their prep sheets and planning out their posters, laying it out on that massive piece of cardboard and working on it each day until they had completed it to perfection.. What the hell had I been doing?! I was there, you know! I just don't think my brain was...

So I came home today after sneaking into the Art room which was luckily empty with an unlocked door, crept down to the back of the class and stole a cardboard piece to bring home with me. I had to carry it the whole way home in the rain and start on it right away. I can safely say that the poster is almost finished to a passable standard - however, I'm not expecting to pass. I haven't started my prep sheet and that's like... 50%. Oh Fun.
  But now, not only this... But I am severely ill! And the worst part is, I don't even know if I'm faking it anymore! The last couple of classes before lunch, I started to get this horrible feeling in my stomach - like someone was slicing me open from the inside with a knife! I literally couldn't walk earlier and my mum made me stop working on the art!! But now I'm feeling a lot better but I wasted so much time that I don't think I can go in tomorrow.. and if I don't go in tomorrow, I miss out on the art, miss that Spanish test and I'd miss the choir after school.

Yes. I understand how very gay this must sound. But as much as I would loooove not to hand up the art and I would loooove not to do that blimming Spanish test that - I HAVE NOT STUDIED FOR(!) - the choir is surprsingly fun.
a) because it's 5th & 6th year only and none of us are gay
b) because we don't sing holy songs like the junior choir
c) because my music teacher has a soft spot for me and well... I just fancy him.
and d)... well I don't have a d.

So here's what I'm thinking..
Go to my grans in the morning. She'll make me tea & toast for breaky - she always does - and see my sick great-gran. I'll work on the rest of my art and then bogger off to school about 12 o'clock. Leaves me with three classes, a free double and I still get to go to choir.
Although... it does mean walking home in the rain again. Bah Humbug... Maybe a day in bed will be better?... I'll go work on mammy :)

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