My horoscope told me to sort out my wardrobe today and seeing as I'm always complaining about not doing what my horoscope tells me to, today I am taking the liberty to do so. Considering the bad weather (well, it's actually great - snow!) I probably should have started when I woke up around 1pm.. No school due to icey roads and what not. But no, typical me to leave things to the very last minute. I've decided to hop up now at 10.17pm and begin my task of the day. So far, so good.
It's winter, so I actually need to figure out what clothes I have for this season - the most dreaded out of all four. The only thing is, everything I grab out of my wardrobe I think, 'Oh wouldn't this be lovely for a day on the beach' or 'This would be darling in the green with a pair flats and an ice-cream' I miss summer sooo much. And I'm pretty sure it misses me too.
There are three things that make winter bearable. a) Christmas - that's a given b) Snow - because it always gets us the day off school and c) The clothes - because they're snug and pretty.
I think the reason I hate winter so much is because of how dark it is... and cold... and shockingly lonely. It's the first of December tomorrow, which means Christmas is only 25 days away and a friend of mine gets home from the Army in 17. He knows the abyss that is my wardrobe.. Every time I open it, things tend to fall out on top of me and bury me beneath the unworn. I need to sell these clothes. And I could make a few bob too considering half the clothes I own have never been worn! You should see the state of my room right now. You would be disgusted. My mam sure is.
... (Update like, 30 minutes later)
I think I may be getting somewhere. I've sorted out the clothes and they are back into the wardrobe with a few on the side. I went to sort out the wash basket and chucked a whole heap of clothes out onto the floor for the wash, yet somewhow, the basket managed to grow rather than shrink! I'm slightly wired now and it's 11.16pm. I'll have to tidy my whole room now that I've started and have a shower... No sign of the snow yet, so there is a chance school may proceed tomorrow. On the brightside, my Spanish teacher won't be in for the rest of the week! Jaysus. I haven't been in Spanish for 3 weeks! At least I'll get away with not doing those essays now.
I have successfully sorted out the wardrobe, put on a wash, tidied up my room (sort of) and will now reward myself with a nice long shower... Despite it being 11.40pm. I've been taking pictures as I went along of the transformation that took place here tonight.. The only thing is, I haven't actually come up with a final result, so I've decided to leave that until tomorrow when my room goes back to normal... ie; the kip it usually is. I must also remind myself to sort out the falling pictures from my wall behind my bed. It goes without saying that you get a nasty shock when they fall down and hit you in the face when you're sleeping. Just there the other night, I had a horrifying experience when I was awoken with a start and greeted rather abruptly by Jenna's mug in my face... JOKE! (don't kill me)
All in all, I think it's safe to say that I actually have more than 2 pairs of jeans - so why the hell have I been living in such limited clothes? I actually have some very nice clothes! The only problem is that the majority are actually for summer. I found my lovely long pretty top-ish sort of thing I bought for 40quid in River Island. I wore it around the outdoor swimming thingy place in Italy and to the beaches. It looks dead snazzy for that sort of that thing.
Mum just threw me in one of her jumpers I often rob. I have about 3 of them now. I told her that I didn't want it and she just ignored me. She hates when I borrow her stuff. She hates that I like them so much. You know, years ago when I told her I didn't like things that she pointed out, was just because I didn't want to like the same stuff as her. Now, when I tell her that I actually like her fashion sense and that (sometimes) it's good, she hates me even more. All those arguments years ago were all for nothing!
Anyways, I'm tottering off now for this shower, an attempt to curl the hair & a nice long snooze before finding out whether I have school tomorrow or not.. (It's snowing again!) I doubt we will have school due to roads being closed and if the lot of us don't turn up, then the teachers can't exactly move on.
Seriously, it would be a lot less hassle if we just stayed home in bed!
Seriously, it would be a lot less hassle if we just stayed home in bed!
Dear God - Thank for Ms Spanish teacher not being in this week - Praying does seem to work! However, a whole week off school would be appreciated just as much! Amen.
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